Crates & Treasure Add-on

The crates & treasure add-on is composed of some decorative crates and some lucky block type crates. Crimson and warped textures for the crates are in the creative menu and can be obtained using the give command . The crafting recipes will be added to the addon once mojang has added crimson and warped planks.

There are 4 decorative crates available in each wood type. Crafting them requires 8 planks of the appropriate wood type.
Brown Mushroom crates & chests contain plantable items such as seeds & saplings.
Red Mushroom crates & chests contain plantable items such as seeds & saplings.
Oak sealed crates & chests contain food items such as vegetables, bread & meats. Potion Barrels contain random low level potions.
Birch sealed crates & chests resemble village chests such as  & cartographer. Potion Barrels contain random low level potions.
Spruce sealed crates & chests resemble village chests such as blacksmith & armorer. Potion Barrels contain random potions.
Jungle sealed crates & chests resemble village chests such as shepards amd masons. Potion Barrels contain random potions.
Acacia sealed crates & chests resemble temple & dungeon chests. Potion Barrels contain random high end potions.
Dark oak sealed crates & chests contain random enchanted tools, weapons &  armor. Potion Barrels contain random high end potions.
Crimson sealed crates & chests resemble stronghold chests. Potion Barrels contain random high end potions.
Warped sealed crates & chests resemble nether fortress chests. Potion Barrels contain random high end potions.
Bone sealed crates & chests contain random high end enchanted tools, weapons &  armor.

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